Tanamera https://tanameracoffee.com/id Coffee & Roastery Indonesia Mon, 20 Dec 2021 18:43:53 +0000 id-ID hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=5.8.2 https://tanameracoffee.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/logo-round-100x100.ico Tanamera https://tanameracoffee.com/id 32 32 Play With Ponka, Bentuk Apresiasi Kepada Petani Kopi Indonesia https://tanameracoffee.com/id/play-with-ponka-appreciation-to-indonesian-coffee-farmers/ Mon, 20 Dec 2021 11:17:27 +0000 https://tanameracoffee.com/?p=3151 The post Play With Ponka, Bentuk Apresiasi Kepada Petani Kopi Indonesia appeared first on Tanamera.

Play With Ponka, Bentuk Apresiasi Kepada Petani Kopi Indonesia

Kopi yang kini semakin menjadi bagian penting yang menemani berbagai rutinitas setiap individu dalam berkegiatan sehari-hari menjadi awal mula lahirnya ide kolaborasi spesial antara Tanamera Coffee dengan Philip Ponk.

Lebih dari itu Tanamera Coffee dan Philip Ponk mencoba menceritakan dan mengangkat kembali cerita yang dapat mengingatkan kembali kepada semua orang tentang dari mana segelas kopi yang sering kita sehari-hari nikmati berasal. banyak orang yang belum menyadari bahwa sebenarnya mengenai proses luar biasa dan pihak yang sangat berperan dan memberikan kontribusi besar dalam setiap gelas kopi yang kita minum, yang dimana adalah petani kopi itu sendiri.

Pada kesempatan kali ini melalui medium exclusive merchandise collaboration, Tanamera Coffee dan Philip Ponk ingin memberikan apresiasi yang sebesar-besarnya kepada para petani kopi Indonesia. Pada desain T-Shirt kolaborasi ini kamu dapat menemukan sosok Pak Wayan yang kami jadikan representatif dari jutaan petani kopi yang telah memberikan dedikasi yang begitu besar dalam mengangkat dan menghasilkan kopi Indonesia yang berkualitas hingga dapat bersaing dan juga diperhitungkan di tingkat internasional.

Selain itu pada sisi lain design T-Shirt kami mencoba mengangkat tema Play With Ponka, yang dimana Ponka yang merupakan sosok fiktif ciptaan Philip Ponk sedang mengajak kita untuk mengenal lebih jauh adanya proses-proses dibalik hasil akhir biji kopi yaitu salah satunya adalah proses panen (harvesting).

Pada akhirnya Tanamera Coffee dan Philip Ponk berharap setelah ini kita bisa selalu mengingat adanya peran dan kontribusi besar dari petani pada setiap gelas kopi yang kita nikmati, karena sekarang sudah waktunya untuk kita memberikan apresiasi kepada mereka lebih dari sebelumnya.

Dapatkan segera merchandise eksklusif kolaborasi Play With Ponka dari Tanamera Coffee X Philip Ponk melalui tombol dibawah ini atau kunjungi beberapa outlet kami yang tersedia.

Kolaborasi eksklusif antara Tanamera Coffee dengan seniman ilustrasi dari Jakarta, dengan mengusung tema Play With Ponka yang dituangkan dalam bentuk merchandise T-Shirt sebagai bentuk apresiasi terhadap jutaan petani yang telah memberikan kontribusi besar dalam mengembangkan kualitas kopi Indonesia.

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Tanamera Coffee Hadir di Acara Rasa Kuliner oleh Marriott Bonvoy https://tanameracoffee.com/id/tanamera-coffee-at-rasa-kuliner-event-by-marriott-bonvoy/ Fri, 19 Nov 2021 06:54:57 +0000 https://tanameracoffee.com/?p=2959 The post Tanamera Coffee Hadir di Acara Rasa Kuliner oleh Marriott Bonvoy appeared first on Tanamera.

The Origins: North Malabar Anaerobic Natural

Tanamera Coffee turut memeriahkan acara Rasa Kuliner oleh Marriott Bonvoy pada 28-31 Oktober 2021, di Central Park Mall Jakarta. Acara festival kuliner yang diisi oleh deretan restoran dan bar terbaik dari Marriott Bonvoy ini dihadiri oleh para pengunjung dan pecinta kuliner. Mereka turut mencicipi berbagai hidangan lezat yang ditawarkan oleh sejumlah pakar kuliner dari Marriott Bonvoy.

Sebagai satu-satunya Coffee Brand yang berpartisipasi pada acara ini, Tanamera Coffee tetap membawa visi utama kami yaitu memperkenalkan kualitas terbaik dari kopi Indonesia. Di acara ini seluruh pengunjung berkesempatan untuk menikmati langsung Complimentary Fresh Brewed Coffee dari Tanamera Coffee. Selain itu juga tersedia berbagai produk kopi seperti Coffee Beans, Coffee Drip, Coffee Capsules dan Coffee Tubruk yang banyak diburu oleh para pecinta kopi Indonesia.

Interaksi yang hangat antara pengunjung acara dengan kami, tim Tanamera Coffee juga mewarnai dan membuat acara Rasa Kuliner semakin berkesan. Berawal dari mereka yang penasaran dan mampir untuk menikmati produk Tanamera hingga akhirnya menjadi member MyTanamera, tawa dan obrolan tentang Kopi Indonesia mewarnai 4 hari perjalanan kami di Rasa Kuliner. Terimakasih banyak kepada Marriott Bonvoy dan seluruh pengunjung atas sambutan hangat dan antusiasmenya dalam partisipasi Tanamera Coffee di acara Rasa Kuliner. Sampai bertemu lagi di acara berikutnya!

Kunjungi halaman belanja kami untuk menikmati berbagai varian produk dari Tanamera Coffee dengan mengklik tombol dibawah ini.

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THE ORIGINS: NORTH MALABAR ANAEROBIC NATURAL https://tanameracoffee.com/id/2735-2/ Mon, 09 Aug 2021 20:14:57 +0000 https://tanameracoffee.com/?p=2735 The post THE ORIGINS: NORTH MALABAR ANAEROBIC NATURAL appeared first on Tanamera.

The Origins: North Malabar Anaerobic Natural

The wait is over, one of your favorite single origin beans is back!

Coffee beans in the highlands of North Malabar (West Java) have been growing there since the 17th century. Geographically, the Mount Malabar area in Pangalengan, Bandung has an altitude of 1400 – 1800M above sea level, air temperature 15-21C, rainfall 2000MM / year. The combination of the mountain’s position and the climate makes it the ideal home to high-quality Arabica beans.

The process of our Malabar coffee itself has enhanced Tanamera Coffee’s value ‘From Crop to Cup’. We are concerned with the improvement of life and welfare of coffee farmers through better coffee. We are always seeking new and improved ways to differentiate ourselves, moderate our coffee’s flavor profiles, and offer exciting and interesting flavors to roasters and all coffee enthusiasts. 

A few trials and ingenuity can go a long way without having to reinvent the wheel, which is why we’re interested in the increasing popularity of anaerobic-environment fermentation. We hear your call of this favorite Malabar coffee and we’re committing to broaden some principles related to the natural activity in every existing process—in fact, anaerobic-natural fermentation has been practiced for a long time in some places.

So what is the dissimilarity in this anaerobic-natural fermentation? The stainless steel containers that are tightly closed in which the coffee cherries are fermented are reducing oxygen at zero level from the beginning and during the process, while also releasing the carbon dioxide that has been built during the fermentation process. Strengthened by the water and organic microorganisms activity, this process could help separate the cherries skin from the coffee beans.

This particular variant of Malabar coffee includes flavours of tropical fruits, chocolate and tea that is escalated by our anaerobic natural process into one-of-a-kind goodness that will definitely punctuate your mornings. Now you can taste the new Tanamera Coffee Malabar Beans with notes of Cacao Nibs, Banana Bread, Apple Juice, Honey, Black Tea Finish, and Delicate Mouth Feel.

Enjoy your fresh brewed Malabar coffee at Plaza Indonesia, One Pacific Place, Ahmad Dahlan, SDC Serpong and Foodhall (Grand Indonesia).

And grab your beans now before it’s too late! As we only have limited stock for you. 

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A CUP OF AMBITION: DINI ARYANI CRIDDLE https://tanameracoffee.com/id/a-cup-of-ambition-dini-aryani-criddle/ Tue, 18 May 2021 02:34:27 +0000 https://tanameracoffee.com/?p=2175 The post A CUP OF AMBITION: DINI ARYANI CRIDDLE appeared first on Tanamera.


There’s nothing like a piping hot cup of coffee. It’s one of the world’s most popular drinks, yet Dini Aryani Criddle found a gap in the market. “I could see there was a disconnect between the quality farmers in Indonesia were producing, and where the customer demand was heading,” she recalls.

After living in Australia, a country known for serving some of the best coffee globally, Dini was inspired to transform Indonesia’s coffee industry. “Indonesia had a big coffee industry that mainly focused on commodity coffee,” she says.

“There were minimal premium and specialty grade arabica coffees. I wanted to give coffee lovers a great cup of Indonesian coffee.” It’s safe to say she’s achieved her goal: since starting Tanamera Coffee in 2013, the brand has won 51 international coffee awards, including the Champion International Roaster award at the Melbourne International Coffee Expo in 2015 and 2016.

“I am proud of building a business that only uses 100% Indonesian coffee beans and has won numerous awards,” Dini beams. “This makes all of us at Tanamera Coffee very happy and confident that Indonesian coffee can compete with coffee from other countries. We are looking forward to growing and improving our business locally and internationally.”

Dini envisaged Tanamera Coffee would be international from the get-go since international customers liked higher-quality beans and had more knowledge of where their coffee came from and how it was processed and roasted.

“We are aiming to be in five-plus countries over the next five years,” she says. Ronald Liong, Director of Tanamera Coffee, and the driver behind opening Tanamera Coffee’s first overseas store in Singapore in October 2020, has signed for three more locations that should be open by mid-2021, with plans to expand into two more countries when international borders open.

“One of the three new sites in Singapore will be a roastery,” Ronald explains. “We found that people in Singapore want the freshest beans they can get. We tend to do a lighter roast than other coffee chains, so whenever we open up our outlets, we have to think about how long it will take between roasting and drinking the coffee before it starts to degrade. We want to make sure that we give the best possible experience for people tasting our coffee.”

We push ourselves quite hard because this market is competitive.

The company also aims to keep growing its base in Indonesia, and continually develops coffee farms with processing dedicated fully to Tanamera Coffee. “We’ve developed a proven model for processing coffee on or close to the farm that significantly improves the coffee quality and works as a solid business case,” Dini says.

“Our goal is to produce 100 of these over the coming years with each providing more than 30 tonnes per year of specialty grade coffee and share our knowledge and expertise in the hope that many others do the same. This would significantly help to increase the wealth and wellbeing of our farmers while providing internationally competitive coffee that’s delicious.”

The farm processing model that Tanamera has implemented costs around US$150,000 over two years, with the farmer earning back their investment from each harvest.

“After two years, they have a sustainable, improved income for their families, workers and suppliers,” Dini says. “From the buyer side, the coffee quality is high, consistent and better matched to international pricing for similar grades of coffee.

“We need to work together with farmers; investing time, capital and sharing our knowledge and expertise to support the farmers with facilities to help make their work more efficient and consistent.”

“Coffee is reviewed by its bean quality, including having no insect bites, no sour beans, no black beans and no fungus damage or debris,” Dini explains. “If it scores above 80 points, it becomes a specialty coffee. My goal was and still is to serve customers specialty grade Indonesian coffee across the globe.”

The result is unique, full-bodied and complex flavours with lingering tastes. “There are tasting notes of chocolate, caramel, hazelnut, blackberry jam, tobacco, spicy and citrus,” Dini describes. “The taste varies so much across the country. Tanamera offers coffees from across the whole archipelago, served as both espresso and filter-based coffees.

“In Indonesia, most crops are harvested once per year, with the quality arabicas at higher altitudes. The higher the coffee tree is, the slower it is for the fruit to mature. What it means is that they’re getting more minerals and elements going into the coffee cherry.” The coffee business is a nonstop operation, which requires communication, perseverance and patience to run successfully.

“We push ourselves quite hard because this market is competitive,” Dini admits. “We’re always stretching ourselves to do better. The key to keeping everyone motivated is regular discussion without being too emotional about the results. Our coffee outlets are open seven days a week because that’s what our customers want.

We’ve implemented a 24/7 warehouse and delivery operation, and a night shift for our online operations too.”

This article was originally featured in The CEO Magazine Asia May 2021 issue. For the published version, please click here.

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BIJI KOPI SOLOK NATURAL CM TT https://tanameracoffee.com/id/the-limited-solok-natural-cm-tt/ Fri, 09 Apr 2021 05:04:57 +0000 https://tanameracoffee.com/?p=1951 The post BIJI KOPI SOLOK NATURAL CM TT appeared first on Tanamera.

Biji Kopi Spesial Solok Natural CM TT

Kopi single origin kami telah hadir kembali dengan stok yang terbatas!

Panen ini berasal dari Lubuk Gadang, Solok Selatan. Tanah dan dataran yang subur dan tinggi tepat untuk menanam biji kopi berkualitas tinggi, pada ketinggian 1600 – 1900 MSL. Kopi Solok dari Solok Selatan bisa juga disebut sebagai Kopi Solok Minang. Menariknya, kopi tersebut diproduksi secara organik dengan menggunakan pupuk alami tanpa pestisida yang menghasilkan kualitas lebih tinggi.

Kopi single origin yang terbatas ini diproses menggunakan carbonic maceration dengan metode alami. Selama proses carbonic maceration, buah ceri difermentasi secara utuh untuk memecahkan dinding sel buah dari dalam dan luar. Proses ini mengeluarkan semua rasa ke dalam biji, menghasilkan rasa yang lebih lembut dan kompleks. Rasakan smooth acidity, high sweetness dan silky body dengan aroma sari apel, asam jawa dan almond choco.

Dapatkan sekarang sebelum terlambat! Karena kami hanya memiliki stok yang terbatas untuk Anda.

Nikmati secangkir kopi fresh brew Solok di Plaza Indonesia, One Pacific Place, Ahmad Dahlan, SDC Serpong dan Foodhall (Grand Indonesia).

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TANAMERA COFFEE MEMBUKA OUTLET INTERNASIONAL PERTAMA DI SINGAPURA https://tanameracoffee.com/id/tanamera-coffees-first-international-outlet-opens-in-singapore/ Wed, 07 Apr 2021 07:07:35 +0000 https://tanameracoffee.com/?p=1923 The post TANAMERA COFFEE MEMBUKA OUTLET INTERNASIONAL PERTAMA DI SINGAPURA appeared first on Tanamera.


Tanamera Coffee, International Award Winning Coffee Roastery & Café melakukan ekspansi dengan membuka outlet internasional pertama di kawasan ramai dan bergengsi Central Business District Area di Singapura.

Kopi yang berasal dari Indonesia terkenal dengan cita rasa yang beragam dan aroma yang tahan lama, serta terkenal sebagai kopi yang full bodied, intens, kompleks, lembut, manis, syrupy, dan fruity. Dengan sentuhan rasa coklat, karamel, hazelnut, selai buah beri hitam, tembakau, rempah-rempah, jeruk dan rasa yang tajam. Ini hanyalah beberapa gambaran seberapa serunya, enak danberbeda kopi yang disajikan oleh Tanamera Coffee.

Tanamera Coffee dengan bangga menjadi bagian dari konsep baru dari Change Alley Mall (CAM) yang dalam sejarah sudah tercatat dari tahun 1822, gedung ini baru saja mendapatkan Green Mark Platinum Standard untuk kelestarian lingkungan, penggunaan air, penggunaan material dan keamanan. Dengan suasana pusat perbelanjaan yang menawan dengan ornate arches yang megah, columns dan tampak depan toko yang elegan, outlet Tanamera Coffee dapat dengan mudah diakses karena lokasinya yang terhubung langsung dengan Stasiun MRT Raffles Place.

Tanamera Coffee akan selalu memenuhi asupan kafein sehari-hari para pengunjung dengan kopi espresso, kopi filter dan yang paling terkenal adalah koleksi kopi dalam botol ‘Cold Brew Crew’. Kami juga menyediakan berbagai macam makanan khas Indonesia, yaitu Tahu Telur, Bakwan Jagung, Nasi Goreng, Bubur Ayam Jakarta dan Rendang yang dapat dinikmati di tempat atau dibawa pulang. Tanamera Coffee juga menyediakan online delivery dan take-away.

“Keadaan global saat ini cukup rentan untuk membuka kafe pertama di luar negeri. Namun, dengan banyaknya permintaan dari penduduk Singapura dan penduduk Indonesia yang berdomisili di Singapura agar Tanamera Coffee segera membuka outlet di Singapura. Kami tidak sabar untuk melayani permintaan dan bertemu dengan para pecinta kopi di Singapura. Ini adalah outlet kami yang ke-20 dan kami sedang dalam proses memilih lokasi baru untuk outlet ke-2 di Singapura.” kata Ronald Liong, Direktur dari Tanamera Coffee.

Outlet Tanamera Coffee mengimplementasikan protokol kesehatan dengan maksimum 5 tamu per meja dengan jarak sosial 1 meter. Tersedia hand-sanitisers, para barista dan tim yang bertugas menggunakan masker dan outlet disterilisasi dengan disinfektan setiap hari.

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